Give and it shall be given you,good measure,pressed down,shaken together and running over shall it be given to you.For with the measure that you give shall it be given you. LUKE 6:38
Any donation will be welcomed and appreciated.BIG OR SMALL.Thanks for helping to further the work of God,especially among the many addicts.
We have been called to this type of ministry and God will bless you abundantly as you help and support us in combating this scourge.
It is reported that there are +- 8 000 000 addicts in South Africa alone !!! Shocking figures !!! We cannot fight alone .You might not be called to this type of work or ministry 'BUT YOU CAN' make a difference.
A contribution,financial or otherwise,will go a long way to helping this ministry in making an effort to fight against this scourge by God's grace.
Your generosity will make an eternal difference in the lives of people. GOD BLESS YOU. HEPHZIBAH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES.

Donations can be paid directly into the Hephzibah Christian Ministries account - Contact us for ministry account details.

Send email and we will send details Thanks.God bless
Contact Details: Michael / Bernadette : 0767418527 Website: E-mail:

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